Life with Ladybug: What was the last goofy thing you did?

By Shannon Magsam, Ladybug’s mama and co-founder of

“What was the last goofy thing you did?”

q&a bookThat was a question posed in the Q&A a Day book my husband gave me from Anthropologie.

I pondered it for a bit and when I couldn’t come up with any goofy thing, so I looked over and asked my husband, who was reading next to me in bed:

“What was the last goofy thing I did?”

He had to think for a minute. Or four.

We finally came up with something, but it was a bit of a stretch. I realized I hadn’t been acting goofy for a while. And when I say goofy, I mean fun, silly. Not so serious, worky-worky and grim. I’ve been a bit of a killjoy lately, particularly with my own family.

I can remember what it feels like to be a “fun” mom. I was full-on fun mom when Ladybug was younger. I took her to every community event, got into traditions with gusto and generally seized the day. Of course, Ladybug is getting older, but she’s still only 11. The truth is, I’ve been feeling a little bleh lately.

I bring it when I’m out and about, but my family is often getting my leftovers.

Halloween shanI think that little question – and the fact that I didn’t like my answer — is what sparked me to dress up for Halloween this year. I usually don’t dress up, but I knew I needed to shake it up a little.

As the 80s song goes, “Girls just wanna have fun.”

So I pulled together an 80s mash-up costume.

And I did indeed have fun.

I recommend it to you other moms out there. If you’ve been pulled down by work, responsibilities, debt, or fill in the blank, it will make you feel better to laugh.

I promise the other stuff will suck you back in way too fast.

So tell me: What was the last goofy thing you did?


  1. I learned that the GREAT hit Islands in the Stream, recorded by the AMAZING Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton was actually written by a Bee Gee. So last night I sang a selection for my kids, and one of their friends, in a full-on Bee Gee falsetto. They don’t even roll their eyes anymore.

  2. Every morning when I wake up the kids I say ,”e’erbody get up…hey hey hey”. You know, blurred lines style. I think it’s funny every time. My kids roll their eyes. 🙂

  3. Goofy? Silly? Oh man, I just realized how boring I have become. Ugh.

    I am getting ready to do a lipsync skit with 15 gal pals at a fun show to the 70s hit “car wash.” I will be sure to really go over the top! Costume and all!

    Thanks for the reminder, Shannon!!

  4. I totally busted out an impromptu Chicken Dance with my kiddo in the kitchen tonight. We both giggled so hard we had to stop.

    I hear ya on the “all work, no play” routine — and I’m so proud of you for taking charge and injecting some good old fashioned nonsense into your life. Here’s to more goofiness for you and yours as the holidays approach!

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