Hideaway Circus coming to Springdale October 4-6

Have your kids ever been to a circus — the kind you may have seen in person when you were little? Seeing your first circus is one of those “wow” moments that stay in a kid’s memories forever because skilled circus performers know how to amaze and entertain kids and adults alike. We’re SO excited that a new contemporary circus — “Hideaway Circus presenting “Canvas Sky“– will perform on the grounds of The Jones Center in Springdale on October 4-6, 2024 at 7pm. This week we’re giving away FOUR tickets to take your family to the circus!


Hideaway Circus is a new kind of American circus: open-air, family-friendly, and showcasing world-class performers who combine skill, storytelling, and artistry. Audiences are amazed by the high-flying aerial stunts, jaw-dropping acrobatics, juggling and more – all set to an effervescent original score.

“Canvas Sky” blends the enchantment and thrill of a classical circus with a contemporary and touching narrative. Created by the innovative minds of Hideaway Circus founders Josh and Lyndsay Aviner, the show follows the story of a circus clown struggling to find his voice until a friend helps him discover how he is wonderful and unique.

“Canvas Sky” is performed on a custom-built circular stage and aerial rig under a canopy of sky and stars. Your kids will be mesmerized by what these performers can do!

Here’s a video sneak peek at what you can expect to see:


To throw your name in the online hat to win 4 tickets to see the Canvas Sky circus performance on October 4, 2024, scroll down to the bottom of this post (and past the comments posted by other moms) until you see the words “Leave a Reply.”

Then, write a quick comment telling us your favorite part of seeing a circus performance. (I always love watching the trapeze and aerial artists, but it also makes me SO nervous for them! I don’t know how their mothers watch them perform!)

You can also email your answer to us at giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com.

Dates and times for Canvas Sky:

  • Friday, October 4 at 7pm
  • Saturday, October 5 at 2pm and 7pm
  • Sunday, October 6 at 2pm

Tickets are on sale at The Jones Center website, so click HERE for info. (Jones Center members get 20% off.)

  • VIP seating – Treat yourself to the most padded, comfortable chairs while seated in the prime center-front location, with the best views of the stage: $45/$36 members
  • Premium seating – Enjoy a comfortable spectator lawn chair with great views of the stage: $25/$20 members
  • Lawn seating – Bring your own portable chair or blanket, then sit back, relax and take in the breathtaking show from your own cozy setup: $15/$12 members

Hope to see you soon at the circus!


  1. This sounds so fun…..I am not sure if I’ve ever gone to the circus! 😆 would love to see this!

  2. My special needs son loves watching circus performers. They do such hard dangerous acrobatics but make it look effortless. I get kind of giddy when I think back on seeing the circus when I was young thinking how amazingly, magical y’all was.

  3. I remember the magic of going to the circus and would love to experience that with my kids!

  4. So many great memories of taking my girls when they were young .. I always love seeing the balloon person carrying all of the colorful fun balloons…

  5. I have actually never been to a circus but have always wanted to go! Maybe this time I can and bring my kids!

  6. My eyes lit up when I saw this! I loved the circus when I was little. I was always mesmerized by all of the performers.My girls would love it!Just wish my grandkids were closer, so they could come too!!

  7. I loved the circus as a kid! I think my son would enjoy the animals and aerial stunts 🙂

  8. I love it!!! Always been fascinated with the Aerial stunts they do!! Went to a circus during Halloween, was the vest experience i had! Cant wait to take my nephew to this for his first time!! He loves animals and just the excitement on his face, i know he will love it!

  9. Love watching the little kids smile as the different performers show the audience their skills. Lots of fun!

  10. I really like the circus, but the trapeze is my FAV! When I was little, I wanted to be a highflyer so bad 🙂

  11. I have never heard of this, but it looks AMAZING! I can’t wait to share this information with all of my elementary students! My favorite part is the aerial, but I appreciate all of the talented performers and acts!

  12. When I was little my mom and dad would take me to the circus. I loved the acrobats. They were always so elegant. Good memories.

  13. I remember taking my son to his first circus when he was 5 and my fav part was seeing his face light up in awe of the whole experience! He’s now 16 and has two little sisters that have never been and I’d love to take them for their first. Thanks for the opportunity!

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