If you’re like my family and you LOVE animals, love live theatre and also love to laugh, don’t miss this giveaway because this show — Popovich Comedy Pet Theater — is tailor-made for you.
This week we’re giving FOUR tickets to see the show at 7 p.m. on April 28, 2022. It’s a perfect night out for the whole family. Maybe it’ll inspire your kids to train your own pets to do a few new tricks!
Voted “Best Family Show in Las Vegas,” Popovich Comedy Pet Theater features a unique blend of physical comedy and award-winning juggling skills by former Moscow Circus veteran and “America’s Got Talent” finalist Gregory Popovich, alongside the extraordinary talents of his performing pets. Trained using positive reinforcement techniques that enhance their natural abilities, his entourage consists of more than 30 rescue animals including cats, dogs, geese, ponies, goats and parrots. Come see the show that audiences are calling better than Cirque du Soleil, Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey combined!
If you’d love to win these 4 tickets for your family to see Popovich Comedy Pet Theater, scroll down to the bottom of the post and past the comments posted by other local moms. Then write a quick comment telling us what kind of “tricks” your favorite pets do (or have done in the past). As a kid, I had a miniature terrier named Cricket who would jump up on my piano bench and “play a song” in exchange for a slice of American cheese.
You can also email your answer to us at giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com.
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We’ll draw the winner at random on Friday! If you want to go ahead and get tickets for this show before it sells out, CLICK HERE for more information and to grab a spot at the Walton Arts Center. Or call 479-443-5600 to purchase tickets.
We love watching funny animals videos and animals doing tricks. Our dog can sit and shake. The kids love to find his tickle spot.
I’m just thrilled our stubborn new puppy has learned a few things like sit and fetch. When he plays fetch I keep telling him “Stop trying to make fetch happen.”
Our dog Hudson stands on his hind legs to join all family hugs!
When I was little we had dog we rescued who pretend to cry on command anytime you said the word Pizza and didn’t give him any
Our girl Nalii Loves to watch TV with us, especially shows with animals. We think she secretly wants to be a horse or elephant. Nalii is more entertainment with her antics than most of the episodes. What would life be without our loving pets. They are family too!
I have never personally had any animals that did tricks–it’s all I can do to get our dog to sit. LOL
My uncle had a miniature pony he trained and did shows with. He was a smart little horse that would march, remove his blanket and saddle, answer him yes and no w/head movements, bow, etc.
We saw him years ago at WAC and loved it! I’d love to take my grown daughter again with a few friends. Our dog demands we play hide and seek with her rawhide every time.
Loved the last animal show I saw in Branson. My cat will play hide and seek with the kids
The only thing I can get my fur babies to do is to eat. They will roll over for treats. But they are the best at giving love and snuggling
Henri’s best trick is taking care of his Mama, but he can also shake. Kinda lame for a dog trainer to have a basically trickless dog. Lol
We have a sweet shih-poo named Kahlua. He is very good at doing tricks for treats. He can give kisses, shake, roll-over, speak,and crawl. Anything for a treat.
I taught my cat to jump into my arms on command, and I also taught my dogs sign language. They would perform basic commands for me without me having to say anything
Big animal lover, so I would love to win these tickets! Thank you for the opportunity 
My kids’ cats follow them around like puppy dogs, ha! They would love to see this show!
Our tiny minpin named Major used to stand up, roll over and he could count (one bark for each finger you held up). He’s been in heaven many years now, but we miss him so. Would love to take our family (there’s only 3 of us) and maybe our daughter’s friend to this show!
Our dog Fuzzy will jump on the porch side table when we get home and waits there for his milk bone. He thinks that is the only way he will get one.