Getting Healthy For Good: Bumps in the road

By Laurie Marshall

I had to go to a work meeting last night and missed my belly dance class, and I’m a little grumpy about it. I haven’t started walking after work yet like I said I was going to do this year, but I have been going to this weekly class… it’s not much, but it’s something!

For most of us, it only takes one or two hiccups like tonight’s meeting in a well-intentioned exercise schedule to throw us completely off course. Suddenly, it’s the middle of February and we decide we’re never going to stick to our resolutions and we stop by Shake’s on the way home and drown our sorrows. (You can say you’re doing it for the kids, but I see right through you!)

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Flexibility is an important component to any new commitment – exercise routines, marriage, kids… and all three of those are worth making an effort to do well. I found a few tips that I think will help me stay focused, and I hope you don’t mind if I share. Check out the entire article HERE.

Set small, doable and measurable goals.

This includes the idea of being specific. If your goal is written in lipstick on your mirror but all it says is “Lose Weight!”, it will be too easy to get discouraged with every plateau or (horrors!) weight gain you experience. Instead, aim for ten pounds by Spring Break, or replace soda with water for the next week… and don’t forget to tell everyone you know what you’re working toward.

Put together a “cost/benefit analysis”.

Obviously, we know that there are benefits to getting healthy – that’s why we try to do it. By weighing the challenge of finding time to exercise and eat well against the sacrifices we make to achieve our goals, we might remember why we are going to the trouble to get off the couch in the first place. If our goal is a longer, more active life, is that episode of Rock of Love or second helping of lasagna really that important?

Find something you enjoy doing.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but how many times have you started a fitness class or tried a diet program because “everyone” was doing it? If you don’t enjoy Pilates, find something else! When you look forward to going to your class, you’re going to work harder to get there. I’m definitely a belly dance girl more than a Jazzercise girl… but that’s just me.

Keep your athletic shoes where you’re going to see them.

I have to start doing this – packing a bag and taking it to work with me every day. You can also substitute “healthy snacks” for “athletic shoes”. A little effort to be prepared will help us keep our promises. And once they become habits, walking after work and snacking on fruits and veggies instead of cookies and Cheetos will be the norm.

Finally, remember that getting healthy is a goal, but getting there is a lifestyle choice. Pat yourself on the back when you have a good day or make a good choice. We have to cling to the tiny little pebbles of success… throw enough pebbles in your pocket and they’ll turn into a landslide. Okay, a landslide in your pocket would be uncomfortable… but you know what I mean.

laurie-marshall-square.jpgLook for Laurie’s fitness tips and updates every other Friday on nwaMotherlode in Mom Blogs. Send questions or input to her at Or click on the word “comment” below and share your thoughts right now!