Happy Monday, mamas! We’ve got less than a week to go before Father’s Day, so we’ve partnered with Scott Frame and Art to bring you THREE awesome packages designed just for dads.
As you already know, it can be tough to find great stuff that’s geared toward guys. That’s why we were SO glad when Scott and Jamie McGowen, owners of Scott Frame and Art, started selling a line of gifts that are popular with men — everything from Duke Cannon soaps and men’s grooming products, to tools small enough to slide into a wallet, to Razorback-themed dishes perfect for the next tailgating session or watch party.
The three gift packages shown here are full of items chosen by Scott. He personally uses these brands so he can vouch for their gift-worthy status. (Our husbands also agree with Scott that the Duke Cannon soaps and grooming products are awesome. They’re big fans of the brand.)
Here are some of the items included in the three gift packages:
- Ceramic Arkansas Football Platter
- Raspberry Rye Torched Beer Bottle Candle
- Kodiak Sunglasses Case
- Duke Cannon Big Ass Beer Soap
- Duke Cannon Tactical Lip Protectant
- Arkansas shape wood cutting board
- Alfalfa Muscle Bath Soak
- Lemongrass and Ginger Loofah Soap
- Men’s Bead Bracelet
- Pocketmonkey Deluxe Tool
- Ceramic Razorback Fan Round Plate
Here’s a photo of the items in the Bentonville store’s gift package:
And here’s a photo of the items featured in the Fayetteville store’s Father’s Day package:
If you’d love to win one of the three Father’s Day gift packages shown above, scroll down to the bottom of this post and then scroll past the comments posted by other moms. Then write a quick comment and tell us what you appreciate most about dads (either your own dad, your kid’s dad or both!)
You can also email your answer to us at giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com.
Help us spread the word about this giveaway by emailing your friends and family about the giveaway. We’ll give you an extra chance to win for every person you tell. Just be sure to put giveaways@nwaMotherlode.com on the CC line of your note so we can give you proper credit.
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You can also earn extra chances to win by commenting on our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or following us on Instagram. If you do any of those, just mention it in your comment or email so we can give you proper credit.
We’ll choose a winner on Thursday, mamas, so check your inbox!
Our thanks to Scott and Jamie McGowen of Scott Frame and Art for the incredible Father’s Day gift packages!
Anthony is a GREAT day–he is always thinking of the kids and putting them 1st!
The connection and the special bond that our children have with their dad is simply amazing! He goes above and beyond to always make sure that they have a great time and matter what we are doing together. Watching the man I love become a father has been one of the greatest gifts ever, we are so thankful for him every day!
I appreciate what a hard worker my hubby is and how how playful he is with our kids.
Edgar is the most thoughtful person I’ve ever known. He is always looking for ways to bless our kids and make them laugh. We are so very thankful for the many ways that he takes care of our family.
My husband Chase is the BEST father to our two children, Henry and Violet. We both work full time. Chase offers a modern-day grace, that gives us shared responsibilities with the kids and chores. He’s also a kind, loving father, who makes our kids laugh and will inspire them to do great things. I couldn’t do live without him.
I love that my husband is by my side raising our kids every step of the way always being supportive, helpful, loving, leading by example, Christian, and teaching.
My husband is the best dad and husband, he goes above and beyond!!
I’m so thankful for my husband John! He’s an Amazing man who stepped up & adopted my son when he was only 2! He stepped up to be a great dad when my sons biological father wouldn’t & is now a wonderful Poppy as well! We have 3 amazing sons & have been blessed with 3 amazing grand children now! I’m so thankful for the example he has been & continues to be for our family!!
My husband is an amazing dad to our daughters. He supports them no matter what they do. He is always there for them.
I appreciate that he takes time to do things special with them. He attends ball games and concerts. He plays in the back yard with them.
David is a very dedicated and loving father.
He loves to be involved and helps our children
in everything they need. He is a wonder role model and Christian Father ♥️
my husband works so hard to provide for us just like my father did.
Scott relentlessly sacrifices working hard for our family of six and is such a great dad to our four boys who are six years old and younger. They know they can count on their dad and that he loves them!
My dad is always there for me and always has great advice.
My husband is an amazing father. He was already raising his two daughters when we met. The moment I met the girls and saw how he interacted with them I fully realized how perfect he was for me. We recently had a baby and his love and patience has only grown more for our baby. Our daughters love playing tickle chase. When our son was in the NICU he was supportive of me. If there was a feeding time I couldn’t make because of being tired, he would make sure he attended. My husband John is an amazing husband who we love and admire.
My husband Scott is an amazing father! I was a widow with3 small children when we met and he never hesitated when we got married to take on the role of dad to them❤️ We’ve been married 11 years and have added 2 more children to our clan! My kids are all truly blessed to have such an amazing father!
If any man is deserving of an award for being an amazing father it’s my daddy! He has always worked hard for his family..he was a loving husband to my mother and always lead our family with strength. My mother died when I was 21 & my brother was 19….my dad showed us what true love was in how he loved and cared for my mom when she was sick. My husband died 13 years ago and 2 moths after that my little brother died. My dad is the Rock of Gibraltar in my eyes and forever will be the greatest man in my life.
My husband is a dad who will really get in there and play with our kids, even now as they become a young tween and a teenager. Sometimes it is hard for me as a mom to stop “doing” and play, so I appreciate what he brings to his relationship with our kids. ❤️
My son-in-law, Lee Davis, is the BEST Dad to my grandchildren, son to his mother, husband to my daughter, brother to his siblings, uncle to his nieces & nephews and friend to more people than I can count. He wears all these “hats” with such amazing love. Having just lost his Dad this past February, I know this will be a difficult Father’s Day for him! I’d love to give him one of these gifts!
I love watching my kids greet my husband at the door in a frenzy. I love how he is so eager to scoop them up and hug them. He reminds me daily of the way Jesus wants me to greet him and is eager for me to be scooped up too.
I lost my dad a few years ago, life is short and fragile and he loves life and wanted ya to always celebrate family together. Father’s Day is special and I have so many memories. Although my dad is gone I love celebrating the wonderful things my husband does for all of us. He keeps traditions alive and works hard to make us all feel safe and taken care of. I appreciate everything the men in my life do for us
My husband Derek is the best Dad! He takes the time to coach baseball, has coached soccer, goes to all of the practices and games, attended all the meets and such a great role model to our kids.
My husband is so great with our kids. He spends quality time with each one. And my dad is amazing! He loves my kids and has always been the best dad to me!
I appreciate my husband being a Godly leader, not just with his words but with his actions for our family. ❤️
I love watching my husband grow as a father. We’re always ready for the good and bad battles. I love how strong he has been through it all. Much love for my dad as well raising 3girls,and a boy on his own. Not everyone can do it, even a lot of mommies, but he did it 🙂
My husband is an awesome Dad. He treats all children like they are people, not kids who don’t get it. They easily connect with him and are drawn to hang out.
My dad is beloved in our community! He was a high school bball coach for Siloam Springs for over 30 years and helped so many kids! He paid for camp for those who couldn’t afford to go and he bought many pairs of team shoes to help out kids who couldn’t afford them .. behind the scenes so that only the parents knew! He was always willing to help and he truly had a passion for coaching and for the kids he coached. Love him!! And most of all, respect him.
I appreciate that he always puts the kids and I first! He’s such a great dad!!
My hubby Derrick is an amazing Daddy to our 7 year old daughter Aubree! So many long hospital stays with her, and he was there for it all. He is also the fun parent, taking her on Jeep rides, teaching driving lessons in her power wheels, “flying” her in the air, and singing Disney karaoke. He’s the best!
I appreciate that my kids’ dad is on my team. Even though we are divorced, we co-parent extremely well and always support each others parenting decisions even if we don’t agree.