On Your Mind: The procrastinating teenager
My husband and I have a son who is a junior in high school. He is struggling lately with procrastination, which can have a big impact on his academic performance. Part of me wants to […]
My husband and I have a son who is a junior in high school. He is struggling lately with procrastination, which can have a big impact on his academic performance. Part of me wants to […]
My husband and I have been married for 9 years and we have two small children. I really do like and respect him, but I’m worried that I’ve fallen “out of love” with him. Lately […]
My husband and I are NOT on the same page right now and I don’t know how to resolve it. It’s beginning to cause arguments that I’m afraid will only get worse or cause ongoing […]
With the holidays coming up, I’m feeling both excited and nervous. In the past few years, it feels like I’m spending money without really thinking it through. I do get a “rush” from shopping, and […]
My husband and I have a bad habit of avoiding touchy subjects because lately it seems like when we talk about something stressful, we end up in a yelling match/argument and nothing gets resolved. After […]
I have always been very picky about the way I keep my house. Even as a child, my room had to be in a very specific order before I could go to sleep. My husband […]
The recent news coverage of celebrity suicides has me worried about one of my friends. We’ve known each other since childhood, and she has always struggled with dark moods, although I don’t know if she […]
I had been in what you’d call an abusive relationship for 5 years. The first altercation occurred only 2 months into the relationship where I ignored it and convinced myself it was a one off […]
Is “video game addiction” a real thing? I’m afraid my teenage son might have it because he gets really frustrated when we limit his gaming time. Is there any evidence that shows that playing video […]
Relationship abuse and emotional abuse I have a neighbor who I talk to frequently and lately she is confiding in me about the issues in her marriage. What I’m hearing sounds like abuse. What guidance […]
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