The Rockwood Files: Slowing down for summer
By Gwen Rockwood, newspaper columnist and mama of 3 When I flipped the page on my calendar this morning, it hit me. In 30 lightning-fast days, the year will be halfway over. Halfway. Over. All […]
By Gwen Rockwood, newspaper columnist and mama of 3 When I flipped the page on my calendar this morning, it hit me. In 30 lightning-fast days, the year will be halfway over. Halfway. Over. All […]
By Laurie Marshall If you are a woman, you’ve probably heard the commonly offered bits of advice that say that it’s harder to lose weight/get in shape in your 40s. Women’s magazines, fitness experts, even […]
By Shannon Magsam, Ladybug’s mama In scary movies, one of the torture devices is bamboo shoots under the fingernails, right? Well, we had our own version of this at our house last week. Except it […]
By Gwen Rockwood, newspaper columnist and mama of 3 A few weeks ago, shortly after our 8-year-old son learned to ride his bike without training wheels, we had another exciting first – the first bad […]
By Sarah Martin Hood Does he need another tie? A paper weight? Maybe some socks? No worries. I’m here to save you from another year of scrambling around for Father’s Day gift ideas. Ceiva Digital […]
By Jade Stone Happy Memorial Day!! I hope everyone had an awesome relaxing day spent with the ones they love. I also hope that everyone took just a few moments to remember the very reason […]
By Gwen Rockwood, newspaper columnist and mama of 3 Every Thursday night, my son Jack cruises slowly around the house, inspecting everything around him with a contemplative look on his face. I’ve seen this happen […]
By Laurie Marshall I’m no expert at this, so I hope you haven’t made that assumption. If you’ve been reading my posts for a while you probably already have this figured out… I’m certainly no […]
By Kim Blakeley Mojo has just entered the world of playdates without his mama. And a couple of his friends have started hanging around at our house without their mamas, too. Are there any good […]
By Gwen Rockwood, newspaper columnist and mama of 3 When you give birth to your second child (or third or fourth or fifth), the nice people at the hospital usually give you a little gift […]
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