All Akimbo: Dispatch from the couch

By Kim Blakely, soon-to-be mama of 2

I felt kind of lousy all of Mother’s Day weekend and on Monday (which, incidentally, was my 39th birthday) I dragged myself up and around to finish only what I had to.

On Tuesday, I had a head-splitting headache, but I told myself the pain was probably the fault of MSG in the food at the restaurant we went to the night before.

On Wednesday, my head still hurt – badly. I had an interview in the afternoon and I decided to call my doctor’s office on the way home to see if I could drop by for a blood pressure check – you know, just to be sure high blood pressure wasn’t causing my headache. I did, after all, have pre-eclampsia at about 37 weeks with Mojo …

But, I assured the nurse taking my vitals, I did not have a headache then and I was certain this was a normal, run-of-the-mill AWFUL headache.

Her eyes widened as she took the reading and as soon as she told me it was 162/104, she started scurrying around, thrusting a cup at me for a urine sample and searching for my doctor.

Luckily (if that’s anywhere near the right word …), it’s simply pregnancy-induced hypertension right now.

I’m taking mind-numbing blood pressure medication and, thanks to another high reading Friday morning, I spent a good three or four hours in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors.

And I’ve been sent to the couch/bed for the duration of my pregnancy. Bed rest didn’t sound like such a bad thing before I was stuck with it. I mean, when you’re tired and overwhelmed, it’s easy to think that being sent to bed would be a good thing, right? Laying in bed, reading, surfing the Web, watching movies … sounds great, right? Eh.

I am, admittedly, not as good a patient as I could be. I’ve been following doctor’s orders as much as possible, but I wouldn’t say I’m thrilled about it.

There are sooo many things I can see from here that need to be done – like the bucket of blocks my 4-year-old dumped on the floor this morning that need to be picked up. (His dad whisked him away for some play time with Grandma so he’s not here to clean up his own mess.) There is a partially packed bag upstairs begging to be filled with all the right things, many of which are strewn about the house, and there is laundry to be done. The list goes on and on …

The worst, though, is that I’m almost completely dependent on others. I hate that. I don’t like to ask for help, but c’mon … I’m pregnant and I get hungry. A lot.

Sunday morning was the worst so far. My husband is a late-sleeper. I am not. So I woke up with a rumbling tummy at 7:30, the thermal-insulated cup I keep at my bedside empty of all the ice and water that could have eased my cottony tongue and throat. I waited, and I waited and I waited for him to wake up so I could eat … and yes, I know, I would have been justified in giving him a good shove and saying, “I’m hungry! Bring food!” but that kind of thing just doesn’t come easily to me. He apologized when he woke up and realized how hungry I was, and I could tell he felt bad about it. Maddening, I tell you, this helpless feeling of being sentenced to rest.

Baby seems happy, though, she’s been pinging around in my belly like freshly popping popcorn … oooh, popcorn would be yummy.

For now, I’m trying to finish up some assignments and enjoy the last bits of alone-ish time with Mojo. I’ve explained to him that my doctor says I have to lie down so I can get better and, for the most part, he’s been tolerant. He plays blocks with me on the floor and we play Old Maid and Go Fish, and tonight we’re going to watch a movie together on the couch.

I’m hoping to keep my blood pressure under control and stay pregnant for at least another week.

I’m not ready for what I’m 99 percent sure will be my last pregnancy to end just yet. As uncomfortable as I am and as miserable as I feel at the moment, I know I’m going to miss watching my belly dance around and wondering what my daughter will be like, what she’ll look like, how she’ll sound when she cries, how she’ll feel when I hold her. But mostly I want to give her as much time in there as she needs to be born healthy and whole.

I’ll be 37 weeks – full-term – on Saturday. Prayers please!

Mamas, in addition to prayer, Kim could really use some sister-to-sister advice on things she can do with Mojo from her bed. She wants to spend special time with him right now, but it’s going to have to be stationary. Any suggestions? Click on the word “comment” below to offer advice.


  1. Yes, I can imagine that bed rest sounds great until you really have to do it! BUT I’m glad you’re following doctor’s orders. Let that little one cook a little longer 😉 I’m trying to think of fun stuff you could do with Mojo from the bed. Two video game controllers? Something I do with Ladybug sometimes is to verbally give her an “obstacle course” to run. I’ll say, “Run around the bed, jump twice in the doorway, run to your room. Grab a toy and come back here in 10 seconds. GO!” Gets some of the energy out! I’ll think of some other stuff and send.



  2. Hang in there! I know this is hard, but it will be so worth it in the end. I can’t wait to meet your new little girl.

  3. Hey Kim!
    Sorry to hear about the bedrest but I’m glad to know you’re doing okay and so close to full-term. I had to do a little bed rest with my 3rd baby, so I know it can be frustrating sometimes. One thing you could do with Mojo from bed is to play restaurant. If you have some fake toy food, you play the part of diner and order things you want, and he runs back and forth to his pretend kitchen, fetching your order. You have to really pretend to enjoy the food or blow on it when it’s too hot. They love that. My 4-year-old can play this game for nearly an hour.
    Stay well and stay off those feet. She will be here soon.

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