What We’re Reading: Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister

Mamas, this is one of the most unique novels I’ve ever read. The main character in Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister is a mother who witnesses her son commit a murder in the first scene of the book. She has no idea why or who the victim was. And in the next scene, she wakes up the day BEFORE that murder happens. Then she wakes up the day before that and then the day before that until she ultimately ends up skipping back in time nearly two years.

Caught in this strange time loop, she knows that her mission is to figure out what led up to her son committing a murder. She struggles with her own sense of mom guilt — wondering if something she did or didn’t do led him to that moment.

If you like murder mysteries, searching for clues, and stories about family dynamics, I think you’ll love this book. From a writing standpoint, it has some of the best line-by-line prose I’ve had the pleasure of reading. And the plot kept me guessing until the end.

Hope you like this one! The audiobook version is also excellent with a great narrator who has British accent.