Tweens & Teens: How to spot depression in teenage boys

As the mom of two boys and one girl who are now 21, 18 and 16, I’ve seen up-close-and-personal how differently teenage boys and girls often react to stress. So I appreciated this article by the website Science News which discusses how depression might look in a teenage boy versus a teenage girl.

Most people think of sadness and crying when they think of depression. But that’s NOT what you might see if your teenage son is depressed. Instead, you may notice:

  • Irritation
  • Anger
  • Lashing out

Click here to read the article in Science News so you can be more informed about how to watch out for the red flags of depression in your teenage son. Depression in boys and men is often missed by medical providers, so it’s extra important for parents to have this kind of information so you can ask the right questions.