Sneak Peek at our next big giveaway!

treble-shoes.jpgWe’re so excited about our next Great Date Giveaway that we can’t wait until next week to talk about it, which is when it’s scheduled to publish here on nwaMotherlode. So we thought we’d just give you a heads-up that it’s coming — soon — and you won’t want to miss it.

Are you curious yet? Well, here’s a little hint that might help you figure it out. See the picture above? It’s a clue about the giveaway we’re doing on Monday. And don’t worry… we’re not giving away the shoes. We know they probably wouldn’t go with your outfit.

What we can tell you is that the shoes are involved and so is the Walton Arts Center, which will be sending one Motherlode reader and her date to one of THE biggest shows of their season. You know we always feed our winners, so we’ll also be sending you to one of the nicest restaurants on Dickson Street in Fayetteville. Be sure to click by here on Monday to find out what it’s all about and throw your name in the hat!!

By the way, the first mama to figure out what our giveaway is and post a comment below (click the word “comment”) will get one of our brand spankin’ new Motherlode t-shirts! Start guessing!


  1. If its the best show coming to the WAC and the best dinner on Dickson St. It must be Riverdance and dining at Bordinos!

  2. It’s got to be RIVERDANCE- it’s their last tour… I’ve never been!

  3. You girls are RIGHT! And since you six were the only ones brave enough to guess, you ALL get a new Motherlode t-shirt!

    Thanks for playing along 🙂 And sign up for the Great Date Giveaway beginning Monday!

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