One of the main goals of starting a website like nwaMotherlode was to draw on the enormous power and energy a group of fellow moms can have — especially when it comes to encouraging and helping one another. When one of us is going through an especially hard time, the rest of us can rally around her and her family.

So we’re sending out the bat signal, mamas. One of our fellow moms here in Northwest Arkansas, Kari Ahlum, is going through a very hard time. (We met Kari several years ago at a craft fair. She makes wonderful handmade items for kids and adults, and we instantly admired her creativity and kind spirit. Her company’s name is Family Matters.)
Kari and her husband have three little boys. Last month, 3-year-old Talbey got sick with what seemed like a simple fever. Within just a couple of days, the fever quickly ramped up into a life-threatening infection.
In late August, Talbey was airlifted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock. Doctors there have been working around the clock to get the infection under control, and they were forced to amputate Talbey’s legs to save his life. You can read the details of Talbey’s incredible fight for healing on the family’s Facebook page. Click here to see it.
Today, Talbey is scheduled for an additional surgery, so let’s all keep him and the whole family in our prayers.
Friends of the family have arranged a shopping fundraiser scheduled for October 1st from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Family Matters store on 2nd Street and Walnut in downtown Rogers. The shopping selection includes the newest fall lines from the following companies:
- Scentsy
- Pampered Chef
- Thirty-One
- Mary Kay
All proceeds go to support the Ahlum family to help with Talbey’s recovery. In case of rain, the shopping event will be held at Serendipity Events, located at 117 W. Walnut Street in Rogers.
If you’re busy on October 1st and can’t make it to the shopping event, you can also help by shopping online. Below are the website addresses to visit. For Mary Kay shoppers, just be sure to make a note about the Talbey benefit in the comments section, so funds can be directed to the right place. For Pampered Chef online shoppers, order under the host name “Heather David”.
To the Ahlum family, please know that this community of mothers is praying for Talbey’s healing.