Pet Parenting: What to do when your dog gets skunked

Mamas, I have been down this road with my dogs, and it stinks—really, really bad. We have an old beagle named Charlie who’s infamous for escaping the fence or darting out our front door any time he gets a chance. When he does it, he goes on these long runs around our neighborhood and through the woods out back. During a few of those escapes, he ran into the business end of a skunk and came home smelling horrible.

It’s usually dark and late when something like this happens, so you really won’t want to run to the store to get the supplies you’ll need to de-skunk your dog. (Plus, experts say that the longer something sits around with skunk spray on it, the harder it’ll be to get the smell out.)

So trust me when I tell you that you’ll be SO very grateful if you already have these ingredients on hand and know how to use them if and when a skunk strikes.


  • Dishwashing detergent (I recommend Dawn)
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide

NOTE: Do NOT mix this stuff together and try to store it in a container. It can explode.

Click HERE to read the instructions we found on The Spruce website for cleaning a dog or any pet that has been skunked. This article also includes instructions for getting the skunk smell out of clothes, your house, furniture, and people.