Part of a modern mamas’ job is to keep an eye on our kids’ texting trails. But what if you don’t even understand 30% of the words flying around between your tween/teen and her friends? Slang changes constantly and deciphering it can be tricky sometimes.
No worries. We did our homework on teen slang so we can offer this Teen Slang to English Translation Guide. We talked about it recently on our Mamas on Magic 107.9 radio segment, which airs weekday mornings around 7:40ish a.m.
If you missed hearing it on the radio, click the play arrows on the audio bars below to hear it now. (Fyi… we love Bitmoji, as shown on the right, and it can help you speak teen slang.)
“Woke,” “Salty,” and “Heard”
“Shook” and “Ghost”
“Yeet,” “Dank,” and “Basic”
“Ship,” “GOAT,” and “Day One”
“Gotchoo,” “Left me on read,” and “10 out of 10 recommend”

This was just what I needed. Thanks