It’s April 1! Here are some fun ways to fool your kids {insert evil laugh}

cat with mustache

Happy April Fool’s Day, mamas!

Are you a prankster? We think harmless pranks are fun, so we thought we’d share a few to make your kids laugh. Well, let’s face it: mostly to make you laugh.

Some ideas:

If you have a sprayer on your sink, put a rubber band around the handle and make sure it’s pointed out. That way, it will be on soaker mode for the next person to turn on the kitchen faucet. If you don’t want to miss the fun, call one of the kids into the kitchen to wash his hands.

Superglue a quarter to the sidewalk and watch your kids try to pick it up. And try. And try.

whoopie cushion If you want to go old school, just buy a whoopee cushion and put it in your kids’ favorite chair around the dining room table (or in his “usual” chair). Surprise! Don’t forget to say April Fool’s!

If your kids drink juice, mix up some jello, then pour it into clear cups and go ahead and pop in the straw. Put the cups into the refrigerator so the jello will set. The kids will be confused when nothing comes out when they sip through the straw.

After they try to drink their jello, the kids will need to go brush their teeth. Be a nice mom and load up the toothpaste onto their brush early, to save them some time. Except why don’t you use vanilla frosting instead of white toothpaste? If your kids use the gel kind, use a gel icing for the perfect switcheroo.

Paint a mustache on them with a black eyeliner pencil while they’re sleeping. That first look in the mirror will be a surprise!

Freeze plastic bugs in ice cubes. Serve up some with your kid’s dinner. (First, the whoopie cushion, then a bug in her drink. Ha!)

bug in ice cube

We hope you have a fool-ish day! Happy pranking!