Happy Monday, mamas! We’re taking you to a virtual doctor’s appointment with no waiting, no shots and no bill! Our popular Doc Talk series of
video podcasts features local Mercy physicians and nurses answering frequently asked questions asked by local moms.
Today we’ll hear the answer to a question doctors and nurses get asked pretty often: “How do you stay well when you’re constantly around sick people?” Family Nurse Practitioner Megan Morgan, APN, answers that question and outlines the steps she takes to prevent coming down with every cold that comes through her office. She’ll also talk about over-the-counter medications like Airborne, which many moms take in an effort to prevent catching a kid’s cold.
Click the “play” arrow in the video window below to hear Megan’s answer to this question, which is even more important as we head into cold and flu season. To schedule an appointment with Megan Morgan, APN, call the Rogers Medical Center at 479-6-338-5555 or click HERE to visit the Mercy website.
Our thanks to Megan, who is also a fellow mom, and all the doctors and nurses at Mercy Health of Northwest Arkansas for answering our questions! To submit a question for future Doc Talk podcasts, email us at mamas@nwaMotherlode.com.