By Kim Blakely, brand-new mama of two
What’s it called when you’re living through something you’re pretty sure you’ve lived through before?
(These darn mommy hormones are fogging my thinker … er, brain.)
Oh, yeah – it’s déjà vu.
My babies looked so much alike as newborns that when my daughter was born just over a week ago it was actually hard, for at least the first couple of days, to remember that she was a “she” and not the “he” who came into my life four years ago.
I’ve figured out who’s who now. My daughter – who will be referred to from here on out as Moxie, in honor of the spunk she’s already exhibited – has her own personality that’s shining through and making it impossible for me to confuse her with anyone else on the planet, mind-fuddling hormones or no. And, of course, all the pink and ruffles don’t hurt either.
Mojo was an easy, easy baby. He rarely cried (at least when he was with me) and he slept as well as I could have expected. But like most new moms, I found the whole having a newborn thing a challenge. Getting us both ready to go out took forever and usually meant several starts and stops. I would make myself presentable and get him fed, diapered and clothed and head to the car seat – only to find that one of the above steps had to be repeated. Immediately. Sometimes this became such a wash-lather-rinse-repeat cycle that I just abandoned the whole idea of going out altogether.
Things at home didn’t go much smoother. I didn’t see many people, and small tasks like taking a shower or getting myself some lunch seemed like monumental challenges with a small, demanding baby in my charge.
This time around, that side of things has come easy. Oh sure, things still take longer with a new baby than they did without one, but they seem do-able. I don’t know if it’s my past experience in caring for a newborn, the knowledge that getting things done with a toddler is actually harder by comparison or just a new perspective that makes it possible for me to get myself, Mojo and Moxie ready for an outing in under an hour and a half – with no do-overs – but whatever it is, I say ‘yay.’
I had a full 12 weeks of maternity leave with Mojo, and as I recall, I felt incompetent of writing even one coherent paragraph until that leave was up. I’ve long since made the transition from Working Mom to Work-At-Home Mom, and that means I’ve had to get back to work much MUCH sooner this time around. I was answering questions from an editor the day after I returned home from the hospital, in fact, and I’m already working on assignments, barely a week post-partum. I don’t mind, though. I’m exhausted, but I feel capable (aside from the occasional brain blip) – and most importantly to me, I’m still here with my babies. Except when we’re out … ; )
I know things can change on a dime. Babies grow and develop and – for better or worse – schedules change. But I’m OK with that. I’m rolling with the punches these days. It’s been a long journey to get here and I’m so happy to have finally made it.
I’m so looking forward to the many adventures our family of four will have!