Mamas on Magic 107.9: Go for a “refresh” while you’re packing up Christmas

We really hate to be Debbie Downers, but  we know many of you are stuffing Christmas cheer back up in the attic today.

Regardless of when you take it all down, it’s a good idea to consider freshening up the room, to make way for the new year. One of the easiest ways to do that without spending any money (we’re out right now) is to simply move the furniture.

For more ideas on how to refresh a room, click on our Mamas on Magic 107.9 segment:

Dec. 27, 2012 Freshening up the house post-holidays

Here are a few other ideas for minor changes that can have a big impact:

 10 easy ways to refresh a room

 Refreshing on a budget

Ideas from local Modoa Interiors


10 easy ways to refresh a room:

