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Mom Blogs:

Second time around

Restaurant crowd sees naked nuggets Everybody said it would be easier this time. Potty-training kid No. 2 is supposed to be a snap, you see, because kid No. 2 is so eager to emulate the […]

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Mom Blogs:

When good dogs get old

This morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw our dogs, Holly and E.J., lying on the deck in a patch of sunlight. Sprawled out alongside each other, the curve of their backs fit […]

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Mom Blogs:

The sound of silence

When I was a little girl, my mother and I had a tradition. On a special night in September, she’d cook popcorn on the stove, make Coke floats and we’d settle in on the sofa […]

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Mom Blogs:

Today I laid an egg

Lessons learned in an unglamorous life Parenthood is not a glamorous sport. Often it can be downright humbling. Some days, it sneaks a toe over the line into “humiliating.” Last Sunday was one of those […]

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All Akimbo

All Akimbo

I told myself it was pointless, that I was a hypochondriac, that I was torturing myself for no good reason. It was the eve of my first surgery ever – unless you count the c-section […]