Editor’s note: WILD About Learning is a paid sponsor in the featured section of our 2020 Northwest Arkansas Summer Camps & Activities Guide. This story offers additional information about WILD About Learning’s summer camps as well as contact info.
WILD About Learning Summer Camps
About our camps: Pre-K children through sixth graders are welcome to join WILD’s School Age Summer Camp. Summer Camp is a full week of fun, from 7am – 5pm Monday through Friday.
The day is packed with activities and adventures that make worthwhile memories. Children make friends, develop their talents, and learn new things while on school break. The program is week to week, so you don’t pay for weeks your child won’t be attending.
COVID-19 Safety Measures: Rest assured we’re taking all the necessary precautions as we continue to venture through this global pandemic. Children will be temperature checked prior to entering our building. Car rider lines will also be in effect. Camp is limited to only 10 campers per week.
Address of camp: 1100 SE 22nd St., Bentonville
Pre-Registration: Open now! (Enrollment space is limited.)
Camp Dates: May 26 – August 12 (Enrollment is on a week-to-week basis. Campers can attend one session or all 12 sessions.)
Ages served: Pre-K children through Sixth Grade
Summer Camp Enrollment Fee: $150
Camp Weekly Rate: $200
Meals Included: Breakfast and afternoon snack. (A sack lunch is required daily.)
- Mini Daily Camps included on site.
- Monthly off-site field trips.
Phone Number: 479-271-9453
CLICK HERE for more information about WILD’s summer camps.