Win a “Truly Blessed” Necklace from Kate Austin Jewelry!


Editor’s Note: We’ll choose a winner at random today (Friday, May 8) at 2 p.m. Good luck and happy, happy Mother’s Day.

When I spotted this “Truly Blessed” necklace on the Kate Austin Jewelry website, I fell in love with it. I stopped by the Kate Austin shop just to visit it in person. If this simple, beautiful necklace doesn’t capture the essence of motherhood, I don’t know what does. So I put it on my “wish list” immediately. And I was really happy when owner Claire Branscum called me later to say she would okateaustinlogoandnumber.jpgffer this piece as a Mother’s Day giveaway for one lucky Motherlode reader. (Thanks, Claire!)

The “Truly Blessed” necklace is made by designer Karibou and retails for $60. It is sterling silver and the two dainty tags bearing the “truly blessed” sentiment hang on a 16-inch chain with an extender. I’ve seen it in person, ladies, and I can tell you that it would be a special addition to any mom’s accessory collection. It’s great for dressing up or for everyday wear when you’re chasing little “blessings” around the house.

HOW TO ENTER: If you’d like a chance to win the necklace, throw your name in our online hat by sending us an e-mail or clicking the word “comment” below. Then tell us how you have been blessed by motherhood. I’ll go first: “Motherhood has made me a stronger woman and has made me appreciate what a miracle it is to have a child.” Tell us what motherhood has done for you. You don’t have to be a great writer to win this necklace! We pick our winners at RANDOM, so everyone has a chance to win.

If you’d like a few extra chances to win, just e-mail your friends/family to let them know about this website and giveaway, and we’ll put your name in the hat again for every friend you tell. Tell 10 friends and get 10 chances! Easy as that. Just be sure to CC us on the e-mail so we can give you credit for helping us spread the word. Our e-mail address is

Looking forward to reading your comments and e-mails! Good luck to those who enter. We are all “truly blessed.”


  1. I am truly blessed to be a mother. My daughter has brought me more joy than I could ever imagine. I wake up everyday thankful that I get to share my life with her.

  2. I am confronted with many people that think that because I have three boys that I am pitied or need prayer…I do need prayer, but I feel very blessed for my boys. I can’t imagine my life any different. I would love to have a girl but a forth boy would be great as well. I am truly blessed

  3. My children have made me a better person, woman and daughter. When i’m having a bad day all it takes is one smile from them and it’s the most peaceful feeling. My life is so much more than it ever could have been, because of them.

  4. My daughter is an amazing little person. She blesses me daily and she is the joy and delight of my life.
    Her smile and personality are such a motivator for all who know her.
    Thank you, God for my little blessing!

  5. I have been blessed to have two children which are now grown and three grandchildren to watch grow. Children are the sunshine for cloudy days.

  6. I feel blessed beyond words every day for my beautiful children. Being a mom is the best job in the world!!

  7. I feel so blessed that I have this adorable little girl to teach ME all sorts of things! It is amazing what I can (and do) learn from her!

  8. I have been blessed with 3 children. Each of them are a joy to me, and I love watching them grow and learn and change. Being a mother challenges me each day, but there is nothing I would rather be.

  9. I am blessed with a set of twin girls, two little boys and my fifth on the way. The last two children were surprises but that’s what makes them special. I adore my children. They push me to be a better person on a daily basis.

  10. I am “Truly Blessed” with two healthy children who can drive me crazy then wipe away my tears, make any day worth living, and teach me what unconditional love really means! They love me despite my faults and flaws. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for the two biggest blessings in my life!!! I love my Jadon Alen and Jacelyn Ann!!!!

  11. I have been blessed with one terrific son who is now grown. I was blessed even more three months ago with an adorable & gorgeous new granddaughter to love and watch grow. Children and Grandchildren are the greatest part of life.

  12. There is nothing more challenging than being a Mom… but there is nothing more rewarding either! I am blessed with 3 children that mean the world to me and are worth every moment!

  13. I have been “truly blessed” with two wonderful daughters – and one more on the way! I love being a mom.

  14. Beeing a mother belssed me with the opportunity to see and experience the world through different eyes.

  15. Motherhood has made me a better person in about a thousand different ways!! I had no idea how selfish of a person I was before I had children!

  16. I was blessed by having the most unselfish and patient mother. I never understood how she did it or even why she put up with some of my behavior. Now that I am a mother I get it…unconditional and complete love!

  17. I have been blessed with three beautiful boys through adoption. Everyone always says how lucky they are but my husband and I feel like we are the ones that have been truly blessed.

  18. I am blessed to have 2 happy and healthy children. It’s been a joy to see them grow.

  19. I am blessed to have had a beautiful daughter (now in Heaven) and now a delightful son to raise. His sweet smile fills my heart with joy.

  20. Motherhood was opened my eyes to a beautiful world that I did not see before. It has made me a stronger person and I thank God for the oppurtunity everyday. I am blessed!

  21. Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts in the whole world! Seeing your children grow is truly a miracle from God. Amazing!

  22. I have been blessed not only with a wonderful, happy little boy, but also a great appreciation for my own mother. I feel like the three of us are members of some sort of motherhood club!

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