Tweens & Teens: My teenager vented about me on Instagram

tweens teens

Dear t(w)een moms,

My teenager recently vented about me on Instagram and I happened to see it. When I looked the next day (I was still trying to figure out how to handle it) she had deleted it. So what to do if your kid says something negative about you on social media? I’m open to your ideas! Thanks 🙂

mama JYou know that old saying, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”?

Well, that goes for social media too. But it’s not just about me (mom), that goes for anybody. It’s much easier to insist your kids don’t bash you on social media if you don’t condone them bashing others.

Oh, and like everything else in parenting….kids take their lead from YOU.

mama M

I try not to get bent out of shape about things like this. They are teens, and by definition are very ‘in the moment’. Try getting your point across while having a bit of fun.

Post a comment yourself. Maybe embarrass them a tad bit by venting about something yourself.

For example, if it was my teen son I’d take a picture of his dirty underwear on the bathroom floor and post ‘so gross! Doesn’t he know he has to pass the hamper on the way back to his room?!’ And then I’d tag him in it.

mama KGreat question! My thought is to approach it as “help me understand this” rather than reprimanding.

Acknowledge that you saw the post and let her know you’re glad she deleted it, but also seek to understand your daughter. Ask her to be open with you about how she’s feeling rather than making her anger public.