Time-saving tips at the grocery store

We ran across some interesting time-saving tips in a past edition of Parade magazine and wanted to pass them along to our fellow mamas. We all go to the grocery store or Supercenter (and we’re often in a hurry while we’re there), so these two pieces of advice jumped out at us.

  • Tip: Go to the store in the middle of the week. You can cut about 10 minutes off your shopping time if you shop around Wednesday, according to the Time Use Institute in Arlington, Va. (We all know what a nightmare the store is on a Saturday.)
  • Tip: Go to the checkout line with the fewest number of people, even if that one person has a heaping cart full of stuff. Each person in line adds nearly a minute to the wait time. But additional items in the cart add less than 3 seconds to the wait time, according to Dan Meyer, a mathematician at Stanford University. If you follow this tip, you can save about 12 minutes per trip to the store.