5 Minutes With a Mom

kayla-michael-5-mins.jpgName: Kayla Michael

Originally from: Born and raised in NWA

Names and ages of children: Kendal-9, Abbie-7

What’s your favorite place to hang out with the kids? Outdoors. We love riding bikes, camping, canoeing and swimming.

What’s your best defense against stress? Taking the time to step back and relax. I also vent a lot to my friends whom I could not live without.

What’s your favorite chick flick? I could watch Steel Magnolias over and over and still cry.

If you a whole weekend to yourself, how would you spend it? I don’t think I could handle a whole weekend alone; a day away is plenty. I would sleep in and take a long bubble bath.

Advice you wish someone had given you when you first became a mom? Pick your battles wisely and don’t overreact.

Best advice you were given as a mom? Enjoy each moment no matter what because time flies by fast and your children grow up right before your eyes. You can’t undo what is already done.

Favorite vacation spot with kids? Anywhere; we love vacations!! The kids get excited no matter where we go. We do love the beach, though!

If the house was on fire, what item would you want to grab first? If everyone was out of the house (along with the dog and hamster), I would grab as many family photos as possible.

If you were going to college in the fall, what would you study? Elementary Education

Who or what inspires you? God is never failing; He gives me the strength to take on life every day.

Best book you recently read? I wish I had time to finish a book.

Parenting is … the best thing that I have ever done.

One word to sum me up: Blessed